Gender Equity Plan

HASPRO means: Human and Animal Systems and Products. All what is medical and measurable with electronics is in our focus. Together with medical scientists and practical working doctors in different hospitals of Europe we learn what medicine needs and we know how to realize it.

HASPRO medical systems are normally mobile, use as low energy as possible, are always innovative, and are assisting medicals in their healing work.
The experience of the HASPRO developers in hardware and software for embedded systems, complex algorithms, bioinformatics, self-learning systems (AI) and all imaginable types of wireless communication are the company's most valuable assets.

Diversity in the composition of the staff promotes diversity in arguments and leads to inspiration, creativity and innovation. The added value is seen in the joint efforts of people with different expertise and diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

HASPRO as an organization strives to structurally create the conditions for an inclusive culture and ensure that employees can develop and use different talents.
Management supports the goals of this plan and will advocate for good implementation.

HASPRO wants every employee, regardless of their origin or personal characteristics (gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, etc.), to be supported in their work ambitions, to be able to develop optimally and to be suitable for work and valued. This is also in line with the guidelines for drawing up an equality plan, which indicates that gender issues are related to other social categories such as ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, and social class.

Although HASPRO largely achieves the goal of gender equality in terms of the proportion of women, it is important to create and guarantee structural conditions for inclusivity and diversity regarding all characteristics. The company is committed with the auf of the “Gender Equity Plan” to stabilize the already available female representation within the company and try to make this even bigger.

A big plus of the company and a direct support tool of the Female Equity Plan is that it offers the option of Home-Office working where the employee can arrange his or her times entirely according to his or her own wishes. This increases the working options for all employees who are bound to certain schedules and appointments that take place at (un)scheduled times and days, making it easy for them to plan their free time. Therefore, it is believed that it will be easier for women and men to combine career and parenthood and to reach a good “Work–life balance”.

When making appointments, HASPRO takes part-time employees and people with care responsibilities into account by planning meetings and events only possible during core working hours.

The women in our team have just as much to say as the male employees who work on the same project (research and technical content). There is deliberately no hierarchy in the division of work. All employees, regardless of gender, are equal.

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